Rectory - 641 Thiele Road, Brick, NJ 08724

Phone: (732) 458-0220 ~ Fax: (732) 458-0855



Parish Ministries

If you are interested in joining any of these ministries, please contact the Parish Office at 732-458-0220 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is held each Monday from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. This holy time is in answer to the question that Jesus asked his Apostles: "Can you watch one hour with me?" All are urged to say "YES" and to spend as much time as they can.

Altar Servers
Altar Servers are a group of young boys and girls who serve at the Altar enhancing the reverence and beauty of our Liturgies. This ministry begins with the children in the 3rd grade who have
made their First Communion.

Altar Rosary Society of The Church of Epiphany Parish
“Behold, your mother” (John 19:27)

“The Rosary Confraternity is a spiritual association of the Catholic Church, the members of which strive to pray the entire Rosary during the course of one week. They form a union of hundreds of thousands of the faithful throughout the world who, along with their own intentions, include the intentions and needs of all its members.”

Who is eligible to join? Men and women are invited to join the The Altar Rosary Society of the Church of Epiphany Parish. Membership in the Rosary Confraternity is open to all the Catholic lay faithful as well as to priests and religious. We meet the first Saturday of the Month to recite the Rosary following the 9:00 AM Mass and fellowship.

A few of the Promises of the Blessed Mother are: “Those who faithfully serve me by the recitation of the Rosary shall receive signal graces… I promise my special protection and the greatest graces to all those who shall recite the Rosary...The Rosary shall be a powerful armor against hell...Those who have a true devotion to the Rosary shall not die without the sacraments of the Church.”

The mission of The Confraternity of the Rosary is to promote devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary, especially her Rosary, through the preaching of the Good News of Jesus Christ. Pope Saint John Paul the Great declared the Rosary his favorite prayer, a “prayer for peace and for the family.” In 2008, Pope Benedict XVI said “without a doubt, this one of the most eloquent signs of love that the young generation nourish for Jesus and His Mother, Mary…this prayer helps to put Christ at the center.”

Bethany Bereavement
The Church of Epiphany Bethany Bereavement Support Group offers Peer support for those grieving the death of  a loved one.  If you have lost a loved one, join others who have also experienced a loss for a series of 6 sessions of information, mutual sharing and peer support in a spiritual, caring and confidential setting.  If you are interested in joining please contact the parish office.   

Bible Study: Morning
The “COME AND SEE” BIBLE STUDY meets Tuesdays from 10:15 AM to 11:45 AM in the All Purpose Room (APR). Learn more about the Scriptures through study, sharing, and a DVD lecture/overview of each lesson by biblical scholars. Interested? Just come and see!

Bible Study: Evening
The Evening Bible Study meets Monday evenings from 7:15PM to 8:45PM in the All Purpose Room (APR). A new study begins in September and usually runs through March.

Caring Hearts Ministry
Compassionate volunteers bringing Eucharist to those who may only be able to acknowledge receiving The Body of Christ with a smile, a tear, or a twinkle in the eye. Scheduled visits are made to Alcouer Gardens on Herbertsville Road.

Children’s Liturgy of the Word
Children’s Liturgy of the Word is a program in which the Sunday scripture readings are proclaimed and explained on a level appropriate for children from the age of 4 through second grade. Any child in this age group may participate - no registration is necessary. Children’s Liturgy takes place during the 10:30 AM Sunday Mass from September through May except for the Sundays of Labor Day and Memorial Day weekend; the Sunday between Christmas Day and New Year's Day; and Easter Sunday.

After the Introductory Rites, the children gather in front of the altar and are sent forth by the presider and process into the APR. After a brief Opening Prayer, a song, the Gospel is
proclaimed by one of the adult leaders. After this, an age-appropriate reflection on the Word is shared by the leader through stories, discussions, or pictures - whatever the leader finds most appropriate to conveying the meaning of the Gospel. The children are then invited to share their own thoughts and ideas. A craft or an art project based on the Gospel or the Liturgical
Calendar will be completed. The children will be returned to their families at the time of the Presentation of the Gifts. If you have any questions, please email Children’s Liturgy of the
Word at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

The goal of Cursillo is to develop a consciousness of the uniqueness, originality, and creativity of the person and their mission to be leaders in the work of Christian renewal as well as be “leaven” in the environments we live in: the community, parish, society, and the world.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion assist at the Mass with the distribution of the Eucharist. These ministers also minister by bringing the Eucharist to the Homebound, those in hospitals, and nursing homes.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: Hospital and Homebound Ministry
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion volunteer once a week to bring the Eucharist to any Catholic in the hospital and in rehab. Each member is assigned to an area or floor in the hospital. We have two teams so most Ministers go just every other week.

Funeral Planning (Consolation) Ministry
The members of this Ministry offer personal and practical help in planning a loved one’s liturgy. Knowing that each life is precious and each death is a sorrow, they grieve with the bereaved in their loss.

Garden Ministry
This Ministry will be responsible for cultivating God’s green earth outside the church. We get together a few hours a week to help with landscaping our parish grounds. This is another way to share your time, talent, and treasures with your parish home.

Be a friendly and familiar face to all those who enter Epiphany’s doors. Greet your parish family and welcome them to Mass each week.

Helping Hands Food Pantry
Our food pantry works with the Food Bank of Ocean/Monmouth County and generous donors to provide families with food and sundries long and short term.

The Food Pantry is open to all who need food, at the Parish Hall Monday’s 10AM - Noon and Saturday’s 10AM - 1:00PM.

High School Youth Group
The purpose of this group is to help our high-school aged youth become active in the parish community. We welcome all 9th through 12th grade students. Meetings are filled with team-building and faith-building activities, prayer, music, and of course snacks. The group also participates in social events, service projects, and fundraisers. For more information, contact the parish office.
The High School Youth Group is on hiatus at this time.  Please check back to see when the meetings will resume.  

Interfaith Family Services
We help homeless families, parents and children, who have become homeless due to job loss or other unforeseen circumstances and are in need of transitional shelter.

The Church of Epiphany is one of several churches and synagogues in Ocean County that participate in the Interfaith Family Services (IFS). About 5 times a year, The Church of Epiphany is host to the families in the IFS program; we provide a place for them to stay, meals, and hospitality. Our volunteers can dedicate as little as 2 hours per host week and make such a big impact.

The volunteer roles include preparing meals, evening hospitality (spending 2 hours with the families), sleeping overnight, purchasing supplies, setting up and breaking down.

Jordan’s Roses Women’s Ministry
This ministry is dedicated to augmenting the lives of women within the faith community by responding to the call of discipleship. The ministry reacts out in love and service to all women. We gather on the fourth Saturday of each month to grow spiritually by praying, learning, and bonding through the movement of the Holy Spirits’ Grace.

Junior High Youth Group
The purpose of this group is to help our youth become active in the parish community. We welcome all 6th, 7th, and 8th graders to meet on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month from 6:30-8:00 PM in the All-Purpose Room at Epiphany. Meetings are filled with team-building and faith-building activities, prayer, music, and of course snacks. The group also participates in social events, service projects, and fundraisers.
The Junior High Youth Group is on hiatus at this time.  Please check back to see when the meetings will resume.  

Knights of Columbus Council # 8160
The Knights of Columbus is a Catholic, fraternal, family-oriented service organization, whose ideals are "Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism.”

Lector/ Commentator
This ministry consists of those called by the Spirit to proclaim the words of Scripture at Mass. A rotating schedule is used to enable all who have been called to participate in this life-giving ministry.

Mass Liturgy Coordinator
This ministry has the responsibility of coordinating the preparation of our celebration space for Mass. These ministers prepare the Credence Table, prepare the Gifts to be presented, and ensure that all of the other ministers are in attendance and are aware of any special requirements for Mass.

Music Ministry
The Music Ministry is diverse and has two music groups you can join:

  • Adult Choir sings traditional music at the 10AM Sunday Mass. Rehearsals are Thursday evening at 7:30PM in the Worship Area.
  • Contemporary Group sings contemporary music at the Saturday evening 4PM Vigil Mass. Rehearsals are Tuesday evening at 7:30PM in the Worship Area.
  • Students in our Faith Formation Program, (or Religious Education Program) are encouraged to sing with the Adult Choir each Sunday during the year. Rehearsals will start at 10AM with Mass to follow at 10:30AM. Service hours are available for Confirmation candidates.
A familiar, friendly face at Mass with responsibility for assisting with weekly collections, leading parishioners through the Communion line, and helping distribute bulletins at the end of Mass.

Welcome (Committee) Ministry
Members of this ministry will welcome new parishioners to our parish family, share information about our ministries, and of course offer a little something light to eat. If you’re someone who
likes to embrace and welcome new people at our parish, this is the ministry for you.






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church midsize615 Thiele Road, Brick, NJ 08724
Phone: (732) 458-0220 ~ Fax: (732) 458-0855